Sunday, October 14, 2012


Well I think the first verse of the song is about people getting taken and sold to slavery. Then about them being able to know they where strong and eventually get out of slavery. Then the song talks about "Wont you help to sing" and I think that that means wont you share the idea or thought of equality or freedom for everyone.

The second verse is about freeing your mind and when you free your mind you have to do it yourself and not let anyone else influence you. Also the line in that part "Emancipate yourself from mental slavery;" is taken from Marcus Garvey.Then he talks about the atomic energy and how you shouldn't be afraid of wars and bombs how they cant stop everything, stuff will still go on after. Then it says "How long shall they kill our prophets" and I assume that means killing there religious leaders and after that it talks about "We've got to fulfill the book" and that is about a religious book.

The third verse leads off with that line from Marcus Garvey again and you can assume that if he used that line over and over again either he liked Marcus Garvey and what he was doing or he just agreed with the line. He talks about the atomic energy and the prophets again. After that he sings "Won't you have to sing This songs of freedom?" and I think that means will you sing with him and make the voice louder and better.

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